東原(香港)有限公司成立於2002年,並獲得國際知名的意大利品牌樂賽爾 LOXEAL授權為中國和香港區的代理,銷售樂賽爾旗下的優質黏合劑/工業用膠水和密封劑。
香港新界屯門新平街2號 屯門工業中心B座7字樓2室
電郵:[email protected] 電話:+852 2792-7838 電話:+852 2792-4228 傳真:+852 2792-4138
+852 2792-7838
[email protected]
High viscosity instant adhesive based on ethyl cyanoacrylate. Designed for bonding plastic and rubber together or with metal. High viscosity allows to fill large gaps. The slow fixture time allows adjustment of parts during assembly.
TDS: http://www.loxeal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/TDS-is29e.pdf
Almost Instant*
1 (1=min, 5=max)
* The curing time for different materials varies. Please contact us for technical details.