東原(香港)有限公司成立於2002年,並獲得國際知名的意大利品牌樂賽爾 LOXEAL授權為中國和香港區的代理,銷售樂賽爾旗下的優質黏合劑/工業用膠水和密封劑。
電郵:[email protected]
電話:+852 2792-7838
電話:+852 2792-4228
傳真:+852 2792-4138
Cyanoacrylate adhesives are for instant and structural bonding of rubber, metals, ceramic, leather and a variety of plastics. Best results can be obtained with joint gaps of less than 0.1mm up to 0.2mm for special grades.
The service temperature range is between -50°C and +80°C, although new high-temperature resistant formulations are available for use up to 180°C. For porous surfaces or for vertical application a gel grade is available.
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