東原(香港)有限公司成立於2002年,並獲得國際知名的意大利品牌樂賽爾 LOXEAL授權為中國和香港區的代理,銷售樂賽爾旗下的優質黏合劑/工業用膠水和密封劑。
香港新界屯門新平街2號 屯門工業中心B座7字樓2室
電郵:[email protected] 電話:+852 2792-7838 電話:+852 2792-4228 傳真:+852 2792-4138
+852 2792-7838
[email protected]
Instant adhesive based on ethyl cyanoacrylate. General purpose, medium viscosity and acidic surfaces insensitive, it will rapidly bond also leather, wood and metals. Temperature resistant up to +100°C, with peaks up to +120°C for a short time.
TDS: http://www.loxeal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/TDS-is45e.pdf
Almost Instant*
4 (1=min, 5=max)
* The curing time for different materials varies. Please contact us for technical details.